
Quick Guide for 204-370PRO thick threads decorative stitches sewing machine

HighTex 204-370-PRO is post bed sewing machine twin needle, triple feed, crochet Barrel, suitable for twin needle seams and decorative seams on very thick materials and leather with braided thread, more information refer to http://www.cowboysew.com/sewing-decorative-stitches.htm

Below is the Quick Guide for beginner:

1. Connect this machine to an air compressor, by a 8mm air tube.

2. Connect to 200-240V, 50-60HZ electric source.

3. Turn on the machine, you will see the green LED lights up.

4. Select sewing pattern, there are 2 methods to select sewing pattern.  First way is to turn page by Right or Left arrow, when you find the right sewing pattern, click the number directly, then click the Enter for confirmation.

5. Second way to select sewing pattern is to click the key of "Number", you will see below interface.

6. Input the number of sewng pattern.

7. Click OK.

8. Click "Enter key" for confirmation, it is very very important!! Every time when you turn on machine or select new sewing pattern, you have to click this key for confirmatin. After that the machine will back to Origin Position, below 2 pictures are Origin Position view from different angle.

8.1 View from front side, the 2 needles must be parallel to the back parts.

8.2 View from left side. WARNING: only the machine in Origin Position as above 2 pictures, you can start to sew.

9. If you are sure the machine is in Origin Position, click the key to lift up presser foot.

10. Insert the material.

11. Same as other heavy duty industrial sewing machine, you must hold the 2 needle threads at first stitch, otherwise the machine will be jammed.
Now you can start to test and run your machine. 

12. WARNING: When the presser foot in UP position, please DO NOT click the "Enter key" as step #8. If you do,  the needle bar will turn, the needle will hit the inside presser foot and damage the machine (see above picture).

13. When you re-thread your machine, sometime the holes on needle clamp are not in front (you cannot see them), you need to turn the flywheel by hand, move the 2 thread holes to front.

14. General information for the switch.

15. General information for the panel.
VERY VERY  IMPORTANT: you have to click the Enter key with 4 arrows, whenever:
1). Turn on machine;
2). Select new sewing pattern;
3). Change parameter in above panel.

If you have any additional question or concern, please feel free to contact us at info@automatic-sewing.com, thanks!


Maintenance of CB6900 leather sewing machine

CowBoy CB6900 leather sewing machine comes with automatic lubrication system, so the machine is very easy to Clean, Oil, and Maintain.
Watch the DEMO video at https://youtu.be/YWj9XLlTQkc
More leather sewing machine at http://www.cowboysew.com/

When receive the machine, please add oil to oil tank before operation!!

1. Loosen the lock;

2. Open the hook;

3. Turn over the machine head backward, this machine is very heavy, you have to turn it by 2 hands!!

4. There is a bracket installed on the table (behind the machine), leaning machine on the bracket, please DO NOT release your hand before make sure the machine leanng on bracket firmly. 

5. Add oil to the oil tank, oil must beyond the oil pump with red arrow. 
Please check the Oil quantity every month!!

6. Close the hook and tighten the lock.

7. Daily oiling: everytime before you operate the machine, please add little oil to the Oiling Holes with red mark. There are 5 Oiling Holes on CB6900 for daily oiling: 3 on top of machine, 2 on arm of machine. 

8. Weekly oiling: if you use the machine every day, every week please open the front cover, oil the inside parts. 

9. Click the picture to enlarge, you can see a small hole on top, this hole is very important to be oiled. Also please oil all transmission part every week.

10. Every week, please clearn the hook area by air gun, to clean the dust from fabric and thread. It is very important for protecting the rotary hook (rotary hook is the most important and expensive parts in the machine).
If you have any additional question or concern, please feel free to contact us at info@cowboysew.com, thanks!


How to program 7273PLK/R heavy duty electric bar-taking sewing machine for ropes

Hightex 7273PLK/R Automatic rope bar-tacking machine to make sewn eye termination: the second generation of extra heavy duty automatic bar tacking machine with higher sewing speed and robust construction; Can easily stitch 2 ropes with each of 20 mm (diameter).
Watch video on youtube: https://youtu.be/QFiicwLBdUE

Now we show you how to program a new sewing pattern. To obtain high quality seam, the finish zigzag width should be 2mm over diameter of rope, for example, 8mm ropes, the third zigzag width should be 10mm, for 10mm rope, the 3rd zigzaq width should be 12mm, and for 16mm rope, the 3rd zigzag width should be 18mm.

1. Please make sure teh needle hole in above picture is clear (no clamp and others block the hole, it is very important. If the clamp block the needle hole, the machine perhaps be damaged when you turn on the machine).
It is very very important, everytime before turn on the machine, please make sure the needle hole is clear!!!
2. Turn on the machine.

3. You will see above interface, then click the MENU.

4. Click the "Input"

5. You will see above interface, note the HIGH speed and 3.0mm Pitch, default value, you do not need to change, just click the Enter key.

6. If you see above message, just press the RIGHT pedal switch.

7. Press ON the left arrow, to set Start Sewing Point.  Note the value of X about 30, then click the Enter Key for confirmation.

8. Click the line, and then Enter key, you will see below interface.

9. Click the key of 1, 2, 3, 4.

10. For the first zigzag seam, we usually set small width and long pitch, for better thread tension (6mm zigzag width for first and second zigzag seam can work for all ropes), Click "CL" and Enter key.

12. Click the Enter key for confirmation.

13. Press ON the right arrow, there is a number in the center of arrows, click it for different moving speed: 1 (slow), 2 (middle speed) and 3 (high speed).

14. Following previous step, watch the X value, for example the bar tacking seam length is 80mm, when reach 80, click the Enter Key for confirmation.

15. You will see the first zigzag seam in the screen, click the key 1 and 2.

16. Click "CR" and Enter key.

17. Click Enter Key.

18. Click Left arrow, watch the X value to be 80, then click Enter Key.

18A. If the second zigzag seam is not in right direction, please click the key with red arrow, to cancel the previous operation  (This step is not ncessary).

18B. After cancel the previous step, repeat step 15 to 18, but click "CL" (This step is not ncessary).
19. If the seam is correct, click the key with red arrow, for preview the sewing pattern.

20. Close the preview by clicking X, and back to below interface, not the needle position (P) is at the middle of seam.

21. Click the key of spot stitch and Enter key, you will see below interface.

22. Select the spot stitch and click Enter key.

23. In picture #20, we noted the needle position at middle of 6mm wide seam), the third zigzag width should be 10mm.  So we need to move up 5mm.  Press on the UP arrow, still the Y value to be 5 (the number in above picture is 3, is not correct), then click Enter key.
24. Click the zigzag seams, and Enter key.

25. Input 10 (the third zigzag width should be 10mm), and 1.5 zig pitch, select R, then click Enter key. 

26. Click Enter key.

27. Press ON right arrow, till the X value reach 80, then click Enter key, you will see below interface.

28. Click line key and Enter key, as above picture.

29. Select spot stitch and Enter key.

30. Press ON up arrow, still the Y value to 10, then click Enter key.

31. Press ON right arrow, till the X value to 3 (for reinforcement stitch), click Enter key.

32. Repeat step 31, for second reinforcement stitch.

33. Click for preview.

34. Close preview.

35. Click TOP.

36. Click the home key.

37. Select "Save As New" and click Enter key.

38. The number of pattern is 10, you can input with different number.

39. Above is new sewing pattern.

40. Insert rope, press right pedal switch to close the clamp.

41. Click above key for backing to start sewing point.

42. See above picture, the Start Sewing Point is not at the middle of rope.

43. Turn the wheel to down the needle (for better checking).

44. Click above key.

45. Click the arrows in the circle, move the clamp, make the needle to the center of ropes, as below picture, then click Enter key.

46. Click as above picture.

47. Press ON the UP arrow, for simulation, whach the movement of needle, check if it hit clamp or out of sewing area.

48. Turn the flywheel by hand, make the needle in LOWEST position, check the presser foot, it should lightly touch the rope. If not, you need to loosen the screw, adjust the height of presser foot. Now the machine is ready for sew.

49. After sewing the first rope, if you found it is difficult to take out the sewn rope, you need to set second origin point, click the MENU.

50. Click Modify.

51. CLick home position.

52. CLick Modify 2HP.

53. Click the arrows in circle, move the clamp to below position.

54. Click Enter key.

55. Click Overwrite and Enter key.

56. See above picture, in the new sewing pattern, S means second origin point, after each sewing, the clamp will move to a right position, convenient for load and unload ropes.