This list has been prepared to guide the users of GOLDEN WHEEL heavy duty industrial sewing machines ( and arranged to simplify ordering spare parts, including hooks, bobbin, throat plates, presser feet, feed dogs, folder & binder and other wear and tear parts.
COWBOY #7132 = GOLDEN WHEEL CSL-1801, bottom feed, for ordinary heavy - weight materials
COWBOY #740 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-6120, walking foot machine for medium weight material
COWBOY #740AU = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-6120BT, walking foot machine with thread trimmer
COWBOY #7132UL = GOLDEN WHEEL CSL-1800, top and bottom feed, for weight materials
COWBOY #7273 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-273, top and bottom feed for extra heavy materials
COWBOY #74400 = GOLDEN WHEEL CSU-4150, compound feed machine for medium weight material
COWBOY #74400AU = GOLDEN WHEEL CSU-4150BT, compound feed machine with thread trimmer
COWBOY #74420 = GOLDEN WHEEL CSU-4250, two needle, compound feed machine
COWBOY #74420AU = GOLDEN WHEEL CSU-4250BT, 2 needle, compound feed with thread trimmer
COWBOY #7243 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-243, compound feed, for extra heavy materials
COWBOY #7204 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2040, triple feed, for extra heavy materials
COWBOY #7516A = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2450, cylinder bed zigzag sewing machine
COWBOY #7471 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-471, top and bottom feed, cylinder bed, extra heavy duty
COWBOY #7341 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-8242, single needle, cylinder bed, union feed
COWBOY #7341-2 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-8244L, twin needle, cylinder bed, union feed
COWBOY #7441 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-441, compound feed, cylinder bed, extra heavy duty
COWBOY #7205 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2050, triple feed, cylinder bed, extra heavy duty
COWBOY #7411RL-37= GOLDEN WHEEL CS-411N, long arm transverse seam machine
COWBOY #7461-37 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-461, long arm cylinder bed, compound feed
COWBOY #7516H = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2390, post bed bed zigzag sewing machine
COWBOY #9517UL = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2160, walking foot zigzag sewing machine
COWBOY #9518 = GOLDEN WHEEL CS-2151, 3-step zigzag sewing machine
COWBOY #7204-102 = GOLDEN WHEEL CSL-1810, double needle, moccasin stitch sewing machine
COWBOY #7972= GOLDEN WHEEL CS-6900, shoe patching machine
COWBOY #801= GOLDEN WHEEL CS-747, leather skiving machine
COWBOY #802= GOLDEN WHEEL CS-757, top & bottom feed leather skiving machine